Welcome to IMAGE-InjectTool’s documentation!

InjectTool is developed to help gene bank managers to enhance, standardize, tag and submit their gene bank data to EBI BioSamples, that integrates all gene bank records from across Europe. The interface guides users throughout submission and allows standardization of data following an agreed IMAGE rule set

InjectTool is a web application mainly written with django, relying on a postgres and redis databases and a nginx frontend to serve static contents. InjectTool is able to perform time consuming task on the background, like validating user data or submitting user data to BioSamples, using Celery.

InjectTool is available at https://inject.image2020genebank.eu/, while the repository of source code is maintained at GitHub

This guide is addressed to developers/contribuitor to InjectTool or people that want to understand how InjectTool works behind the curtains.

Indices and tables